NOW we can travel to Uman

in health and safety!

What is Uman Clinic?

Established בסייעתא דשמייא in  rosh hashana 5767 (2006) under the guidance of Rabbi Elazar Mordechai Kenig זצ”ל.

Uman Clinic provides urgent and life-saving medical services for thousands of Jewish  who visit Uman during Rosh Hashanah.

 Over the years, it has expanded into a fully equipped field hospital, staffed by a dedicated team of doctors and medical professionals from Israel and the U.S. 

The clinic offers essential care for chronic patients and urgent interventions.

all services are provided free of charge to ensure everyone receives professional and rapid treatment.

Services Provided

Family Medicine

Family Medicine

Accessible primary care at all times.



immediate and accessible medical consultations for urgent heart-related needs

Medical Coverage

Medical Coverage

Medical teams, nurses, paramedics, and EMT's, are deployed to provide immediate care when necessary.

Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Comprehensive advanced care for a range of conditions.



On-site ultrasound and partnerships with local X-ray and CT services



Full medication support, from pain relief to life-saving drugs

It's all yours and for you!

Uman Clinic RH 5784 in numbers


Patients assisted at the clinic in rosh hashana 5784


Leading physicians providing care


Treatment and hospitalization beds


Patients evacuated to international hospitals or flown to their home countries


Tylenol tablets distributed

All these merits will stand by your side during the High Holy Days!

Rabbinical Endorsements

breslov rabbis shlit"a

The esteemed elders emphasize that it is the collective responsibility of all attendees to support this vital initiative. They stress the importance of contributing, so we won't later regret inaction. This charity is viewed as one of the most effective, offering protection from illness and harm. May God protect us from all misfortune, and may those who participate be written and sealed in the book of the truly righteous.

harav natan efraim kenig shlit"a

The clinic has saved many lives from certain death, even though it operates under extremely challenging conditions. Despite the numerous obstacles, the dedicated team has managed to provide solutions to nearly every life-threatening situation. I am confident that anyone who supports this important mission will be protected from harm and illness, and will be blessed with all the best. By the merit of Rebbe Nachman, they will be granted health, peace, and abundant blessings for themselves and their families.

Created by Yeudit Tshihinski [email protected]